
Dyslexia is a different way of thinking.


Building on Strengths

The Caribbean Dyslexia Centre is dedicated to helping students who think differently identify their unique strengths and build self-confidence.

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Dyslexics See More

Our unique multi-sensory approach to learning is based on seeing dyslexia not as a disability, but as a different thinking skill set.

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Changing Perceptions

Dyslexic non-linear minds have made some of the world's greatest inventions, innovations and discoveries. Yet dyslexia is still perceived as a disadvantage. The Caribbean Dyslexia Centre aims to change this perception.

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Building Tomorrow’s Leaders

Our diverse team of educators empowers students to become the best versions of themselves they can be. We see students who think differently as trailblazers, not troublemakers.

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The Skill of Thinking Differently

Our one-on-one lessons help unlock each students unique potential in school and beyond.


Dedicated to change.

For over 25 years, the Centre has worked to help the Caribbean properly understand, value and support our young people with Dyslexia.

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